Say goodbye to Culture Blindness, and hello to personalized data-driven People and Culture strategies.
Learn what drives your company culture to qualify decisions on hiring and managing.
Understand what drives employee engagement and personalize their experience to reduce retention.
Build a strong, dynamic team with unique perspectives, while staying aligned with your core values.
Dive into the motivations and values that drive your employees. Make decisions that align with your culture and support your business goals.
By understanding employee's critical needs, you can build a retention strategy that addresses potential issues and keeps them engaged and motivated.
Use alignment measurement to inform your hiring decisions and improve placement success. This will help you build a strong, cohesive team for your business.
of people won’t apply for a role unless their values are aligned with those of the company*
of new hires that fail to do so because of cultural and interpersonal factors, not skill**
higher revenue per employee in highly engaged organizations***
*Mission & Culture Survey 2019 - Glassdoor. **Why New Hires Fail - Leadership IQ. ***State of the American Workplace - Gallup.