Asking the right questions to the right people.
At a time when flexibility and remote working are the norm, gaining insights on what’s important to your entire workforce is absolutely key. This is why we’ve expanded the filtering options on our satisfaction surveys to allow for complex targeting, to ensure the right questions are being asked to the right people.
Many survey providers tend to send the same question to everyone in a company to get an overall pulse check, but this is where Valuebeat is different. We tailor our surveys based on people's values and what’s truly important to them. And, with our new update, we’ve gone further still. Enabling high granularity when viewing the results to ensure that surveys are customizable, comparable and therefore provide powerful data.
We’ve now extended our filtering range from 2 to 7 filters across our pre-segmenting and post-survey functions. Expanding the choice from location and department to now include the following options;
Gender - Women, Men, Non-binary/Genderqueer, Prefer not to disclose
Level - Employee, Senior Employee, Team Lead, Manager, Director, C Level
Work Hours - Full time or Part time
Tenure - broken down into various periods
Age - brackets from under 18 to 65 and over
For those already using our Satisfaction Surveys, look out for these changes coming soon. Once it's live, you can find it under the Satisfaction tab on your dashboard.
It’s also worth noting that with the new survey filters it’s still essential to have a minimum of 5 employees to protect anonymity. Once the survey is unlocked, the results can then be filtered with the new segmentation options, by heading to Satisfaction > Survey Overview.
Please note: the survey results will only work on surveys created after 10th February 2022.
Before running a survey, you can choose exactly who to target across the company by using the new pre-segmenting filters.
For example you could run a survey to track satisfaction towards flexibility across all women in the tech team that are based in Berlin.
Then, once your survey is complete, you can use the filtering functionality to identify and compare the satisfaction scores across specific targeted groups. So, the survey that you ran across all women in the tech team based in Berlin, you can then segment the data to contrast the results across different levels, tenures, work hours and ages.
We also recommend investigating the Value Ambassadors insight to dive even further into the results. Accessing insights on employees that care the most about the highlighted value.
With this data across different segments, you can identify what your employees really need in order to feel motivated and engaged at work. The insights will also help you to understand how your company is progressing with value focused initiatives that are important to you people.
Running targeted surveys are key to helping your organization avoid survey fatigue, especially as you can’t send the same survey to the same segment the same month.
And by asking the right questions to the right people, you’ll be left with quality actionable data.
If you’d like to know more on how Valuebeat can help you get insights on what really matters to your people (for free!) then get in touch with our friendly team.
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